Questions? We are here to help!

Charges & Fees (id)
Is it possible for me to pick up and drop off the rental car at a different location?

What makes us different is that we allow our customers to return their rental vehicles in other cities/regions. We call it interstate/intercity bookings.

However, a repositioning fee that is applied. The fee will be calculated automatically on our website, enter your pick-up and drop-off location first, and select your preferred car, the inter-regional cost will be displayed on the next page with the grand total. For example, if you pick up your rental car at our WAHDAH Jakarta Mini Hub and drop it off at Soekarno Hatta International Airport, the pick up and return fee will be IDR 200,000.

Notes :

Please note that the minimum rental required for interstate bookings is 30 hours, and the location must be at our office or a transportation hub such as a train station or bus station.

on 19/09/2023